Recipe: Perfect Easy Vegetable Cake using Pancake Mix

Easy Vegetable Cake using Pancake Mix.

You can cook Easy Vegetable Cake using Pancake Mix using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Easy Vegetable Cake using Pancake Mix

  1. You need 150 ml of Vegetable juice.
  2. You need 200 grams of Pancake mix.
  3. It’s 2 tbsp of Vegetable oil.
  4. You need 2 tbsp of Sugar.

Easy Vegetable Cake using Pancake Mix step by step

  1. Preheat the oven to 360°F/180°C. Mix the ingredients until well incorporated..
  2. Pour the batter into a mold lined with parchment paper and bake for 40-45 minutes..
  3. I used this 100% mixed vegetable juice made by Ito-en, but you can use tomato juice or any kind of vegetable juice..
  4. It has a strong and bright orange colour..