Recipe: Yummy Tea cake

Tea cake. A teacake in England is generally a light yeast-based sweet bun containing dried fruit, typically served toasted and buttered. S. teacakes can be cookies or small cakes. In Sweden, they are soft, round, flat wheat breads made with milk and a little sugar.

See more ideas about tea cakes, cupcake cakes, food. Tangerine vanilla tea cakes topped with tangerine glaze are light, fluffy, and delicious! Tea cakes are a classic British bake that go wonderfully with a cup of tea in the afternoon (or Brush your tea cakes with the remaining milk to glaze them. You can cook Tea cake using 7 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tea cake

  1. You need of . 2 cups of flour.
  2. Prepare of . 1 teaspoon baking powder.
  3. You need of . 1/8 teaspoon salt.
  4. It’s of . 2 large eggs.
  5. Prepare of . 1/2 cup granulated sugar.
  6. It’s of . 3/4 blueband.
  7. Prepare of . 1/4 cup milk.

A very good cake to enjoy with coffee or tea. A word of warning: this cake needs parchment paper lining. Whether you call them Russian tea cakes, Mexican wedding cookies or snowballs, there's no denying that they're essential to bake during the Christmas season.

Tea cake step by step

  1. First before anything else you have to set your cooker @180 degrees.
  2. Then mix Blue band na sukari like this.
  3. Then add eggs n mix them you can use whisk if you have it or fork.
  4. After mixing it should look like this.
  5. Then add baking powder and mix them as well.
  6. The mixture should be like this.
  7. Step 7 weka Unga and mix.
  8. The out come must be like this.
  9. Look for a pan or sufuria that's specious paka blueband or any mafuta solid or liquid it depends with you….
  10. Then pour your solution kwa your pan or sufuria.
  11. Put it in you oven then set 30/40minutes.
  12. That's how should look when you peep to your oven but don't open.
  13. Make sure imeiva ukiingiza kisu iwe imetoka na some particles means haijaiva… But if haina those particles means is ready… Like mine.
  14. Now ready for serving.