Recipe: Delicious 3 Ingredients OREO Cake

3 Ingredients OREO Cake.

You can cook 3 Ingredients OREO Cake using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of 3 Ingredients OREO Cake

  1. It’s of Oreo biscuits.
  2. Prepare of warm milk.
  3. Prepare of Baking powder.
  4. Prepare of semi sweet choco chip (melted).

3 Ingredients OREO Cake step by step

  1. First separate Oreo and cream..
  2. Grind oreo in food processor till it becomes powder. Then in a bowl add Oreo powder and half of the warm milk to it and mix well. Then pour rest of it and mix. Add baking powder to the batter then rest for five minutes..
  3. Grease pan with oil and place butter paper and grease it too. Pour half of the batter to it and bake for 8 minutes by covering the pan with lid closed. Tadaaaa your first base is ready. Repeat the same..
  4. Frosting time. Mix with Oreo cream and melted chocolate and spread it on the first base and second..
  5. It's ready now. Please share to the family 😋.